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Make an Impact.

Join the family reunification movement and help us rescue more children from the streets. You can be a part of them arriving to a place of safety, love and healing on their journey home to their families.

All donations directly impact our ability to rescue children from the streets and help them reconcile with both family and Christ. 

Regular Giving

Our Giving Channels

All our giving is done via our Stewardship Partners Account. You can set up Monthly Giving as a Direct Debit, Fundraise or give One Time Gifts by clicking on any of the buttons above which will then take you directly to the website to get started.

It takes only a few minutes to set up but has a lifetime of impact for a child.

Be sure to check the Gift Aid box if you can. 


If you are able to support our missionary families we ask that you reach out via email where we will direct you to their giving channel. 

Support Our Missionaries

Your financial support of our self funded missionary families equips them to live and serve here in Kenya. 


At Shine His Light our missionaries are required to raise their own salaries through asking individuals like you to support them each month.

Our ministry could not exist without them. Discipleship, project management, biblical based programs in our rehab and in families could not continue to run. 

Kingdom culture in our programs could not be maintained. 


Through missionaries, the love of Christ and the hope of the Gospel goes forth impacting the lives of children and their families in Kenya and beyond.

You can READ MORE --> about our current missionaries HERE.

Or Click the button below to start supporting them with a monthly gift to keep them on the field.




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