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Sign Up To Become A Prayer Partner

Become a Prayer Warrior and join us in fighting on our knees.


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to receive our prayer requests updates and become an essential member of our prayer team.


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At the heart of everything we do is prayer. Being a disciple is more about our relationship with Jesus than what we can do for Him. Our love grows as we abide in Him and spend time getting to know Him in prayer and through meditating on His word.  We desire to posture our own hearts towards prayer first and let everything we do overflow from that place of love for Him which manifests in how we love the people He has called us to minister to.


The children we rescue from the streets and the families we bring them home to are discipled from this heart. Their healing and transformed lives are a direct result of deliverance, intersession and prayer ministry. Finances are essential seeds in the great commission. They open doors and provide resources to welcome the broken. Finances free people up to serve full time. But, they cannot bring fruit out of any situation without prayer.

Prayer gives the essential water that every seed needs to grow.


If you are passionate about intercession and fighting on your knees we need you to join our team through setting up a monthly prayer group. Could you gather a group of friends in your home or church once a month to intercede for street family and this ministry? 

Register Your Prayer Group Now --->>

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